Johnson County
Sheriff's Office
Clarksville, Arkansas
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Hunter found dead in national forest

Johnson County Sheriff's Office personnel recovered the body of Brett Eichenger, age 57, of Oak Grove, Arkansas off of Forest Service road 1548 in northwest Johnson County on Monday, October 20.  Mr. Eichenger left his camp before daylight and planned to return around 9:00 a.m.  When he had not returned by 11:00 a.m., his 2 hunting partners began a search for him.  They enlisted the help of 4 other hunters in a nearby camp.  Mr. Eichenger's body was located at approximately 12:30 p.m. approximately 300 yards below his tree stand area. The Sheriff's Office was notified and personnel went to the scene, both on foot and vehicle.  A hunter offered the use of his all terrain vehicle in the recovery effort.  Mr. Eichenger's body had to be carried out by hand for approximately 1/4 mile before being taken out by vehicle.  Mr. Eichenger had a history of heart problems and had an apparent heart attack while hunting.  Sheriff's Office personnel involved included Deputy Jacob Shook, Detective Chad Morrow, Sheriff Jimmy Dorney, Chief Deputy Jerry Dorney and Coroner Al Davis. Mr. Eichenger was pronounced dead at the scene by Coroner Davis.